2018: A Year-end Review


As always, here’s a quick post to summarise how my year 2018 went. On a personal level, it’s been very good—as earlier posted, Phil and I got engaged in February this year. That’s probably my favourite highlight for 2018.  I also got my permanent residence, which I am happy about and made me realise how time quickly went by: 5 years in the UK! Who would have thought I’d survive?! :p

2017: Norway – a return to Stavanger

2017 European summer and it was the last bank holiday before Christmas. I planned to go back to Stavanger, with the ultimate aim of climbing Kjerag and step on Kjeragbolten—a dream that I wasn’t able to fulfill during my first visit in Stavanger almost 4 years ago. So earlier during the year 2017, I booked the flights (with Phil) to finally make this dream come true.


2016: Moroccan Mountains – So pretty in white!


This trip is part of the week-long holiday in Morocco during December 2016. See trip essentials on a separate post.

This is one of those trips where we weren’t expecting much, but turned out to be pretty amazing. Our love for nature, and specifically, for the mountains, is a given.  If we can and if applicable, in all of our trips, we try to include in our itinerary a trip to the mountains. And the trip to Marrakech back in December 2016 was no exception.

2017: A Year-end Review

2017 YE 14

It’s that time of the year again – time to look back on what actually happened to my so-called life during the last 12 months or so. Travel-wise, it was a mix of visiting new places and revisiting old ones—either way, we managed to create new and happy memories. On a more personal aspect, there’s too much adult-ing towards the latter part of the year!